Google Ads Editor For Campaign Management

Google Ads: New Tools to Make Collaboration and Ad Creation Easier

We want to make it easier to create effective ads for any Google Ads campaign. That starts with improving how images and videos are organized, accessed and created. With assets available in a central place, you can create ads and campaigns faster or swap content more easily when you need to make a change. And, if you’re missing a video needed to reach an…

video marketing tools
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Video Marketing Strategy – Top 4 Online Video Tools in 2023

Video marketing is one of the best ways to generate new sales leads. Establishing an effective video marketing campaign can be difficult, especially for local businesses. However, advances in digital and video technology have made it easier for start-ups to punch above their weight in marketing and sales operations. Videos sent through emails, put on company websites, or posted on social media feeds attract…

whats next for youtube from advertising week new york

What’s next for YouTube, from Advertising Week New York

The pandemic accelerated two changes already underway — the move to streaming, and the move to ecommerce. As the number one streaming platform for ad-supported reach, YouTube is the place where hard-to-reach audiences come to be entertained and connect with creators and content they love. It’s also where audiences come to shop. Today at Advertising Week New York, we’re sharing new ways to help marketers…

new ways to find shopping inspiration on google

New Ways to Find Shopping Inspiration on Google

Shopping online is as much about inspiration and discovery as it is about the final purchase. People are shopping across Google more than a billion times a day, and we have been working to make those experiences even more helpful by expanding your options. We’re here to help you find new ideas, discover unique products or get the best value from the widest possible…

remarketing higher roi ads
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Remarketing Campaigns Increase Your ROI

When it comes to a marketing budget, every dollar is precious, and you need to squeeze as much mileage out of each marketing tactic as possible. That is why the concept of remarketing makes so much sense. Although marketers would love to be able to just drive prospects to a website or retail location, where they make an immediate purchase, the real outcome is…

make every marketing dollar count with attribution and lift measurement

Make Every Marketing Dollar Count With Attribution And Lift Measurement

Understanding how each media touchpoint contributes to your goals can mean the difference between marketing that drives business growth and marketing that fails to deliver. To make every dollar count, you need tools that help you learn how people are responding to your ads, so you can take action to improve your results. Today, we’re announcing improvements to Attribution in Google Ads including coverage…

drive results with new direct response solutions on youtube

Drive Results With New Direct Response Solutions On YouTube

Prolonged store closures have forced brands around the world to recalibrate their media campaigns to focus on driving online sales. With this shift to digital, it’s become even clearer that every advertiser is a performance advertiser.  With YouTube, marketers have the flexibility to shift budgets and invest in driving the results that matter most. As businesses begin to reopen, they have an opportunity to…

growing in app viewability coverage with open measurement

Growing In-App Viewability Coverage With Open Measurement

People are spending more time on their mobile phones, especially in apps, and move across screens frequently. As people’s usage of mobile apps has grown, so has the importance of standardizing the way viewability is measured on mobile devices. Today we’re sharing how we’ve made in-app inventory more measurable through the IAB Tech Lab’s Open Measurement standard. Integrating the Open Measurement Software Development Kit (SDK) into both…