Google Marketing Strategy 2023

Google Marketing Platform: 5 Tips to Power Your 2023 Marketing Strategy

When making plans for the year ahead, it may be tempting to turn to well-worn marketing tactics — those that have always driven consistent results. Instead, why not take the opportunity in 2023 to add in new, effective ways of doing things? We call this approach “tried-and-new”. Here are some of the highest-impact improvements to Google Marketing Platform from 2022. These new solutions are designed to…

Google Search For Tour Operators
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Google Search: 3 New Ways to Help Attraction and Tour Operators Reach More Travelers

Traveling can be a source of joy and excitement, especially when meaningful experiences are involved. In the last year, we’ve seen searches for “fun activities” reach an all-time high in the U.S. That’s why we’re continuing to make it easier for people to discover things to do on Google, and for businesses to connect with these new potential customers as they plan their trips….

Google Search: Local Is Now Digital
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Local is Now Digital: Understanding the New Local Shopper

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how consumers shop worldwide; they rely more on the Internet to research and discover products to buy. For example, search interest for products like the “best exercise bikes,” “best ring lights” and “best air fryers” increased by 100% or more in the last year. To make it easier for consumers to discover top products and the best places to buy…

how to showcase your events on google search

How To Showcase Your Events On Google Search

It’s officially 2020 and people are starting to make plans for the year ahead. If you produce any type of event, you can help people discover your events with the event search experience on Google. Have a concert or hosting a workshop? Event markup allows people to discover your event when they search for “concerts this weekend” or “workshops near me.” People can also…

google analytics a powerful pairing

Google Analytics And Google Ads: A Powerful Pairing

Today’s customer journey doesn’t follow a standard path—it’s diverse, non-linear, and always evolving. Consumers conduct research about products across a variety of devices—and marketers are looking for ways to deliver experiences that meet consumers’ rising expectations. For many marketers, the solution lies in gaining a deeper understanding of the customer journey. The integration between Google Analytics and Google Ads helps you accomplish this. Once…

get your online marketing plan ready for the holiday season
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Get Your Online Marketing Plan Ready For The Holidays

Can you believe it? The holiday season is here, though it seems like 2014 just started. From the team here at LAUNCH805, we’d like to take a moment to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and a prosperous and safe holiday season. For the companies out there, you likely know that it’s time that you start planning for holiday marketing. With an economy that is finally…

why your website strategy doesn't get any roi

Why Your Website Strategy Doesn’t Get any ROI

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” – John Wanamaker Let’s face it – you’re still not happy with the results your website is generating for you. You’ve changed designs, updated copy, and added new photos, but it still doesn’t seem to be gaining any traction. At LAUNCH805 we offer personal and ethical search engine…

how to make your website sexier

How To Make Your Website Sexier

Does sex sell? Many marketers think it does. Just ask the editors of Sports Illustrated whether having images of bikini-clad models on their cover helped sell any magazines! Consumers want to be associated with products, services and brands that help them feel good about themselves. Your company may be able to increase its sales by having a website that plays into this need for…

online advertising techniques 7 biggest mistakes

Online Advertising Techniques: 7 Biggest Mistakes

Online advertising techniques are more important than ever. Over 81% of consumers are now making purchasing decisions online and according to a recent study by Comscore Research less than 7% of the websites out there are fully optimized. If you have a good product or service, then generating traffic to your site is a matter of search engine optimization. We offer SEO Services and…

google title tag for beginners character limitations

Google Title Tag For Beginners: Character Limitations

It is commonly misunderstood exactly how Google indexes title tags. As we all know, the number one most important SEO factor is the almighty title tag of your website. This is a hotly debated topic in many search engine optimization forums and I am going to try to bring some cohesion to the topic with this article. In order to achieve a top ranking…