google marketing live keynote re cap

Google Marketing Live Keynote 2022

Another Google Marketing Live Keynote event has come and gone, and with it came a whole new list of Google product announcements, upgrades, and improvements. Google has stated several times that it will be more upfront with consumers and advertisers concerning its advertising network, which is largely expected given the global movement toward a privacy-first and more transparent internet. However, while privacy remains a…

video marketing tools
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Video Marketing Strategy – Top 4 Online Video Tools in 2023

Video marketing is one of the best ways to generate new sales leads. Establishing an effective video marketing campaign can be difficult, especially for local businesses. However, advances in digital and video technology have made it easier for start-ups to punch above their weight in marketing and sales operations. Videos sent through emails, put on company websites, or posted on social media feeds attract…

whats next for youtube from advertising week new york

What’s next for YouTube, from Advertising Week New York

The pandemic accelerated two changes already underway — the move to streaming, and the move to ecommerce. As the number one streaming platform for ad-supported reach, YouTube is the place where hard-to-reach audiences come to be entertained and connect with creators and content they love. It’s also where audiences come to shop. Today at Advertising Week New York, we’re sharing new ways to help marketers…

new ways to find shopping inspiration on google

New Ways to Find Shopping Inspiration on Google

Shopping online is as much about inspiration and discovery as it is about the final purchase. People are shopping across Google more than a billion times a day, and we have been working to make those experiences even more helpful by expanding your options. We’re here to help you find new ideas, discover unique products or get the best value from the widest possible…

Google Search: Local Is Now Digital
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Local is Now Digital: Understanding the New Local Shopper

COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how consumers shop worldwide; they rely more on the Internet to research and discover products to buy. For example, search interest for products like the “best exercise bikes,” “best ring lights” and “best air fryers” increased by 100% or more in the last year. To make it easier for consumers to discover top products and the best places to buy…

youtube updates news

Tap Into Fan Power With New YouTube Select Sponsorships

From record-breaking music video releases to never-before-seen conversations with celebrities, YouTube has become the virtual stage for the world’s biggest cultural moments. The top 10 videos from 2020 — reaching a total of 356 million collective views — brought the world together to game, to laugh, to share some good news and so much more.  As home to the content people need and the creators they love, YouTube is where…

youtube updates news
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A Key Milestone For Privacy Centric Measurement On YouTube

In October of 2019, we announced that we are continuing to take action to limit the pixels we allow on YouTube, while investing in our cloud-based, privacy-centric measurement and analytics solution called Ads Data Hub. This solution provides three benefits for marketers. First, Ads Data Hub ensures end-user privacy by enforcing privacy checks and aggregating Google data before it leaves the Google-owned Cloud project. Second, because Ads…

greater controls for sensitive ad topics in your ad settings

Greater Controls For Sensitive Ad Topics In Your Ad Settings

Building tools that provide transparency and control has always been a top priority for us, and over the years, we’ve empowered people to shape their ads experience through user controls. We’ve launched About this ad, which explains why a specific ad is being shown, and Ad Settings, which allows people to control how ads are personalized or even opt out of personalized ads altogether at an…

remarketing higher roi ads
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Remarketing Campaigns Increase Your ROI

When it comes to a marketing budget, every dollar is precious, and you need to squeeze as much mileage out of each marketing tactic as possible. That is why the concept of remarketing makes so much sense. Although marketers would love to be able to just drive prospects to a website or retail location, where they make an immediate purchase, the real outcome is…

youtube updates news
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Audio Ads On YouTube Expand Reach And Grow Brand Awareness

Whether it’s to squeeze in a living room workout before dinner, catch up on a podcast or listen to a virtual concert on a Friday night, people are increasingly turning to YouTube as they spend more time at home.  To help you tailor your media and creative approach to the different ways consumers are engaging with YouTube, we’re introducing audio ads, our first ad…