Google Update Google Products

Google announces the new Transparency Center

Billions of people turn to Google every day for access to trustworthy information and content, and we take this responsibility seriously. Our terms of service, product policies, developer policies and community guidelines all exist to keep users safe as we strive to deliver on our mission to make information universally accessible. Today, we’re launching the Transparency Center — a central hub for you to learn more…

giving users more transparency into their google ad experience

Giving users more transparency into their Google ad experience

Today, people engage with a wider variety of ad formats on more Google products than ever before — from Video ads on YouTube to Shopping ads across Search, Display and more. And they increasingly want to know more about the ads they see. That’s why we’ve been innovating on features like “About this ad” to help users understand why an ad was shown, and…

search explore and shop the worlds information powered by ai

Google Search, explore and shop the world’s information, powered by AI

AI advancements push the boundaries of what Google products can do. Nowhere is this clearer than at the core of our mission to make information more accessible and useful for everyone. We’ve spent more than two decades developing not just a better understanding of information on the web, but a better understanding of the world. Because when we understand information, we can make it…

help influence and understand how your products appear on google
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Help Influence And Understand How Your Products Appear On Google

Shoppers turn to Google to find products that are just right for them. And you rely on Google Manufacturer Center to ensure your products are represented well. In fact, more than 5,000 brands use Manufacturer Center to improve their presence on Google. To kick off the new year, we’re making those interactions even better by introducing new ways to show high-quality and inspirational content to shoppers,…

google seller ratings demystified
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Google Seller Ratings: Demystified

Have you noticed the gold stars next to some Google ads? Or perhaps you’ve heard the term ‘seller ratings’ but have no idea what that means or how to get your business rated? Then we’re here to demystify the whole process for you. Read on to find out exactly what Google seller ratings are and how they can dramatically increase the performance of your…